Gene Detection

Two main steps are required to detect genes using STing: Database building and Detection.

Database building

  1. Create a config file that contains the path to gene files. The format details are the following:

    Config file

    A tab separated file with the following format:

    [loci] gene1 /path/to/geneFile1.fa gene2 /path/to/geneFile2.fa

    Blank lines and comments (lines starting with #) in this file, will be ignored. Note that there are no [profile] section for a configuration file for gene detection. If the file contains this section, the indexer tool will show an error message. This is an example of a configuration file of AMR genes (test/amr/amr_db_files/set_01/config.txt):

    [loci] erm erm.fasta ksg ksg.fasta pen pen.fasta qac qac.fasta aac2ic aac2ic.fasta aph6id aph6id.fasta bl2a_1 bl2a_1.fasta ermb ermb.fasta mepa mepa.fasta pbp2b pbp2b.fasta pbp2x pbp2x.fasta tetpa tetpa.fasta

    Gene sequence file

    A standard multi-FASTA file in which the id is the name of the gene. In case of having genes with the same name, you should add a number to the name separated by _:



  2. Build the database using the indexer tool:

    indexer -m <MODE> -c <CONFIG_FILE> -p <PREFIX_FILE>


    indexer -m GDETECT -p databases/amr -c test/amr/amr_db_files/set_01/config.txt

    The command above will create an index for gene detection (mode GDETECT in the config file test/amr/amr_db_files/set_01/config.txt. As a result, the indexer will create a series of files named with the prefix amr inside the directory databases.

    The output of the command looks like this:

    Loading sequences from sequences files: N Loci #Seqs. File 1 aac2ic 1 set_01/aac2ic.fasta 2 aph6id 1 set_01/aph6id.fasta 3 bl2a_1 1 set_01/bl2a_1.fasta 4 erm 1 set_01/erm.fasta 5 ermb 1 set_01/ermb.fasta 6 ksg 2 set_01/ksg.fasta 7 mepa 1 set_01/mepa.fasta 8 pbp2b 1 set_01/pbp2b.fasta 9 pbp2x 1 set_01/pbp2x.fasta 10 pen 4 set_01/pen.fasta 11 qac 1 set_01/qac.fasta 12 tetpa 1 set_01/tetpa.fasta Total loaded sequences: 16 Creating and saving ESA index from loaded sequences... Index created successfuly!

Running Gene Detection

You must use the detector tool to detect genes in a read set:



detector -x databases/amr -1 test/amr/samples/GCF_000008805.fasta.40.1.fq.gz -2 test/amr/samples/GCF_000008805.fasta.40.2.fq.gz -k 30 -s GCF_000008805

The command above will detect presence/absence (1/0) of the genes from the database, in the read sample called GCF_000008805 (-s) which comprises the input files test/amr/samples/GCF_000008805.fasta.40.1.fq.gz and test/amr/samples/GCF_000008805.fasta.40.2.fq.gz (specified by -1 and -2), using the index located at the directory databases with the prefix amr (-x databases/amr). Additionally, the tool will use k-mers of size 30 (-k 30) to process the input reads.

The output of the previous command looks like this:

Sample        Line_type ermC  ksga1 ksga2 pbp2b pen1  pen2  pen3  pen4  qacE1 Total_hits    Total_kmers Total_reads Input_files 
GCF_000008805 presence  1     1     0     1     1     1     1     1     1     288106170395  1396        GCF_000008805.fasta.40.1.fq.gz,GCF_000008805.fasta.40.2.fq.gz

By default, the detector application will send the header to stderr, and the prediction result to stdout.



detector -x -1 [OPTIONS]


STing detector is an ultrafast assembly- and alignment-free program for detecting genes directly from NGS raw sequence reads. STing detector is based on k-mer frequencies. STing detector requires an index (DB) created with the STing indexer program (using the GDETECT mode).

-h, --help
Display the help message.
Display version information.

Required input parameters:

-x, --index-prefix INDEX_PREFIX_FILENAME
Database prefix filename.
-1, --fastq-1-files FASTQ1
Files with #1 mates, paired with files in _FASTQ1_.

Input options:

-2, --fastq-2-files FASTQ2
Files with #2 mates, paired with files in _FASTQ2_.
-s, --sample-name SAMPLE_NAME
Name of the sample to be analized.
-k, --kmer-length KMER_LENGTH
Length of the k-mers to process the input reads. Default: _30_.
-r, --threshold THRESHOLD
Minimum length coverage (%) required to consider a gene as present in a sample. In range [1.0..100.0]. Default: _75_.

Output options:

-c, --kmer-counts
Select to print the number of k-mer matches at each gene.
-p, --kmer-perc
Select to print the percentage of k-mer matches from the total of processed k-mers.
-g, --gene-cov
Select to print the percent of the gene length that is covered by the corresponding k-mer matches.
-d, --kmer-depth
Select to print the mean k-mer depth of each gene.
-y, --print-tidy
Select to print results in a tidy format.
-t, --k-depth-file KMER_DEPTH_FILENAME
Output filename to save the detailed per-base k-mer depth data.
-v, --verbose
Select to print informative messages (to stderr). Default non verbose.

FASTQ1 and FASTQ2 can be comma-separated lists (no whitespace) and can be specified many times. E.g. -1 file1.fq,file2.fq -1 file3.fq